Web 2.0 bloggers

19 10 2007

I have recently read some posts from Luca Conti, Luca Filigheddu, Robert Scoble, and Giacomo Vacca regarding the coverage of web 2.0 sites, companies, start-up by Californian bloggers and the rest of the world.

I’m exploring the web 2.0 since a while and i try to write about web 2.0 companies (far less than i would) on this blog.

I read blogs and websites from all over the world (in English and Italian) and could find good coverage in Europe as well as in US.

Some considerations:

  • The number of new companies is spread all over the world but the number is US is far bigger.
  • I suppose a blogger posts first about the world around himself. And considering the number of new start-up in web 2.0 there’s a lot to talk in US.
  • It’s easier to be noted if you have a reputation
  • A good launch strategy could make the difference.

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